Official Online MSA V4 Supermodified Series
Completed schedule & results
Sunday 2/15 Icebreaker Presented by at Caraway 50 Laps
Results | Winner, Dave Soja |Race Re-cap
Sunday 3/1 Southern National 50 Laps
Results | Winner, Dan Shupe | Race Re-cap
Sunday 3/8 Selah Raceway 40 laps
Winner, Art Palmer | Race Re-cap
Sunday 3/15 Everville Speedway 40 Laps
Results | Winner, Brian Strickland | Race Re-cap
Sunday 3/22 Bristol Speedway Twin 25's
Winners, Chris Meyers and Brian Strickland | Race Re-cap
Sunday 3/29 Jennerstown Speedway 40 Laps
Winner, Dave Armstrong | Race Re-cap
Thursday 4/2 Toledo Speedway 40 Laps
Winner, Kevin Baker | Race Re-cap
Sunday 4/12 Sandusky Speedway 40 Laps
Winner, Dave Armstrong | Race Re-cap
Sunday 4/19 Inaugural King of the Wings
at Winchester Speedway
30 lap sprint cars/30 lap supermodifieds
Winners, Soja and Blank | Race Re-cap
4/26-5/3 Off
Sunday 5/10 JCR Joesville 40 laps
Winner, Art Palmer | Race Re-cap
Sunday 5/17 Mopar 40 laps
Final points event for the V4supers
Brian Strickland is the Champ!
Results | Winner, Art Palmer | Race Re-cap
Sunday 5/24 Oswego MSA 2015 Supers 50 laps
Winner, Tim Blank | Race Re-cap