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Here you will find both asphalt and dirt modified images. Also included on this page is a section for Sprints and Midgets, an area devoted to racecar models, a section called "Odds and Ends"... which is where I put miscellaneous racing pics, and now also, newspaper articles from over the years
Please refer to Page 1 for information concerning submissions to this site, or instructions if you have any problems viewing or saving images.

Asphalt Modifieds 

Dirt Modifieds 


Rich Edwards collection

Models by Mike Kapuscinski

Flinstone Flyer

This is one of Iver’s
top six supermodifieds!

the "Flying Boxcar"

This is one of Iver’s
top six supermodifieds!


Odds & Ends 

Newspaper articles covering northeast racing over the years...
For many years, before the internet, and before cable tv, Dick O’Brien, John Hill and others provided the information racing fans in the central NY area craved. I always looked forward to opening the Syracuse newspaper, going to the sports page and reading their articles to find results or plan my racing weekend. Dick O’Brien, now retired, provided clippings of his many articles to Mike "Pinner" Johnson, who in turn, had scanned and individually featured them on his web site, Pinners bar and Grill. You can now find these artcles as well as many more archived here...
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Page last updated Monday, July 22, 2024