not forgotten . . .

Gary Witter

Kitchener, Ontario - 05.Sep.1971
Gary Witter, 1967 oswego rookie of the year

Everyone knows about Gary's tragic demise.It was a real shame.I don't think he ever got to show his true potential at Oswego. Gary's rookie of the year honor in '67 was the first time Oswego presented that award. Gary Witter, a resident of Kitchener, Ontario, was killed in the 1971 Oswego Classic supermodified race.
  . . . written by Mike Thornton

Gary Witter in Jim Howards 19, part of a two car team. Jim drove the #38 rear engine car.

1965, Flamboro

Jim Howard lending a hand
Witter at the old Candaian National Expedition track in Toronto, apparently around 1960, this was an early super which we referred to as "B-mods"
submitted by Rick Beaubien

Gary, on the cover of the Oswego Eagle program

remembering Gary






Image contributed by Mark Floyd




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