not forgotten . . .

"Fireman" Joe Paeno

Oswego, NY - 7.March.2017
 Joe Paeno was a lifetime resident of Oswego. He was an avid fisherman and worked as a charter boat captain of the Ambassador and was a licensed mechanic, he owned and operated Joe’s Sunoco Gas Station in Oswego. He retired from the Oswego City Fire Department, where he served from 1967-1990 as a firefighter and a member of the Oswego Fire Department Dive Team. Joe ran a drift boat on the Oswego River and he was the recipient of an award in recognition for an act of heroism in the Oswego River in January 1986.
From 1973 to the mid-1980s he competed at the Oswego Speedway and with ISMA where he was known as “Fireman Joe Paeno”. He was also a member of the Oswego Speedway safety crew before he began his racing career.

1974 - 1975





1977, 10th in points



1978, 5th in points


flash-back.. June 28th 1975. Joe got a ride in the Bob and Ernie June 59 after his own ride was sidelined. He finished 14th that night.

Aug 31, 1978 article by Bill Foley

Ray Grela captured this great shot of Joe battling the Pine in 1978

...and in 1979



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