not forgotten . . .

A.J. Michaels

Liverpool, NY
21.Aug.1957 - 19.May.1990

above . . from "The First 50 years" book by George Caruso, Jr.

below . . from a 1988 Oswego program

A. J. Michaels, Jr., a lifelong resident of Liverpool, New York, employed by the Schneider Packaging Co. of Brewerton, New York, as a mechanical engineer, died when his super modified car spun and slid backward into the first turn wall of Oswego Speedway.
A. J. was survived by his wife, the former Sharon Vecchio, an airline stewardess and the daughter of Tony Vecchio, a NASCAR modified car owner of Syracuse, New York; also, his parents, Arthur J. and Eleanor Michaels, a brother, Lawrence A. Michaels, three sisters, Susan M. Coyne, Lori M. Czachowski and Melissa L. Michaels, all of Liverpool, New York. A. J. had two cousins, J. J. Michaels and Louis Michaels, who were also active race drivers.
  . . . from





July 30th, 1988
. . . from "The First 50 years" book by George Caruso, Jr.

July 30th, 1988... Michaels' first (and only) feature victory at Oswego. A.J. also finished a strong second to Eddie Bellinger in that year's Classic.
. . . from "The First 50 years" book by George Caruso, Jr.

A.J. was one of the the "M-Boys", all first time feature winners in 1988.
. . . from "The First 50 years" book by George Caruso, Jr.

AJ made the cover of Open Wheel magazine in 1989.

Lancaster in 1986 with from left, drivers A.J. Michaels, Jamie Moore and Joe Gosek. Michaels drove for Wissing for a short time.


1990, A.J. was truly a rising star and certainly would have scored many more wins. He really was just coming into his own.

A.J. featured on the cover of an Oswego Speedway Eagle, 1989


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