not forgotten . . .

Bruce Kraft

Rochester, NY -

 Bruce Kraft bought this former Indy roadster from Jim Leonard. He competed at Oswego from 1970 until 1974, collecting a few top 5's and a bunch of top 10 feature finishes.
  . . . written by someone

1968-That's gotta be Fred Graves in the #92, altered to hold a big tank for Classic. The yellow car is #87 Bruce Kraft from Rochester N.Y. This was his first time at Oswego, I seem to remember that he wrecked the car and came back with it painted orange and white, which he continued to use until he quit racing supers.

June 6, 1970


1970, crew members
Doug Emery and Bill Jolly

May 1971 crash

May 1971 crash


1972 Classic
Bruce would finish 17th

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