not forgotten . . .

"Smiling Jack" Greedy

Toronto, Canada - 01.May.1988

Another Canadian driver that is making Oswego his regular track this year is Jack Greedy.
Jack has been a real top runner at the Canadian supermodified tracks for many years winning nine big events out of ten just last year at the Delaware and Flamboro tracks.
The 39 year old contractor by trade lives in Toronto , Ontario with his wife Dorene and their children John, Leon, Norm and Susan.

Jack began racing 14 years ago with a 37 Ford coupe and progressed into supers when the Canadian tracks did. Jack started off this season at Oswego with his old supermodified but found that it just wasn't competitive enough. Known not to take a back seat to anyone, Jack went to Indianapolis and purchased the new machine pictured here. It was Jack's first time on the track with it last week (July 27th, 1968) and he placed sixth with it after being sent to the back of the pack in the late stages of the race.
The car is worked on in Jack's contracting business garage and his mechanics are Doug Jones and Harry Cheezman. The car is equipped with a 375 c.i. Chevy engine.
Look for Jack as one of the top Oswego runners from here on out.
...from a 1968 Oswego program profile article

1969 Oswego program profile article

1965 Flamboro win


The Greedy machine in '67 and part of '68








Heidelberg, 1968

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