not forgotten . . .

Baldy Baker

Strasburg, OH
10.Jan.1927 - 19.Nov.1979

Strasburg, OH – One of the most colorful and popular drivers to compete on a regular basis from the state of Ohio was Baldy Baker. Baldy made his initial appearances at Oswego during a mid-sixties Classic when competitors came from Ohio, Indiana and Michigan by the dozens for this event. But Baldy was one of the few that decided to make the trek to Oswego on a weekly basis beginning in the early seventies. His greatest success at Oswego came aboard the Gary Myles/Keith Barker No. 93. His other potent ride was the Norm Hagen No. 6. Baldy amassed seven feature wins and 29 top five finishes, but more importantly a host of local fans, especially Budweiser drinking ones, that remembered him long after he retired as a driver.
  source. . . The Oswego Speedway Hall of Fame

At and away from the track with Baldy Baker

One of the finest supermodified drivers going also happens to be one of the more popular personalities around the ovals. He's Roland "Baldy" Baker, pilot of the sleek blue car 93. Baldy and his enthusiastic wife Gladys live in Strausberg, Ohio with their son Roland, Jr. who is 11 years of age. They also have one daughter Bonnie who is married. During the week Baldy is employed as a heavy equipment operator.

Baldy's very colorful career started back in 1948 when he drove a modified around his hometown ovals. Right from the very start, he proved to be a real hard charger with plenty of talent to be a winner. And what a winner he was. We asked Baldy, just how many features he thought he has won and he replied, "Gosh, I really don't know. There's been plenty. I do know I've won over 300 trophies in my career". Baldy is one of the drivers who have witnessed (while competing) the change from the modified racer to the upright supermod to the now, low lined, super-sleek roadster and rear engines. He's very proud of the progress of a "race car over the years".

When Baldy was going through high school he always took an interest in sports although he seldom competed. He did play basketball and from what we've been told played the sport extremely well. He was always fond of auto racing and looked forward to the day when he could race. At 21 years of age he drove his first race and since that time, racing has been his number one sport.

Baldy's favorite color is red and white with his favorite television show being the Red Skelton Show. His favorite food is Ham, and the drink he most likes to socialize with is a Budweiser. When asked what the greatest moment in his racing career was Baldy said, "When I started winning at Oswego this year". He quickly added, "There have been too many great moments around the tracks". He feels that his son may someday follow in his footsteps as he talks about racing already. His wife Gladys is Baldy's number one fan in the grandstand - she really loves racing as much as him. Baldy claims all the guys in the supermodified circuit are great, but his own favorites include Nick Rowe (his longtime sidekick), Norm Mackereth and Jimmy Shampine.

This year Baldy is having his finest season ever. At the current time, he leads both the Oswego and Sandusky point standings and has won three features to date at Sandusky, while bagging two big mains here at 0swego. Baldy's got himself one mighty fine ride. The roadster number 93 is owned by three men - Gary Myles, P.J. Wiseman and Keith Barker. The 93 is a former Watson roadster that competed in the USAC championship division in the mid 1960's. It's equipped with a big 427 Chevy and is one of the finest looking cars in the circuit. They are running Oswego and Sandusky regularly and plan on catching some special shows throughout the Northeast.

The combination of Baldy Baker and the blue 93 have proven to be a very successful venture so far this year and there is no doubt in our minds that this great team will continue to place well in competition for many years to come. At 45 years of age, and some 24 years of racing experience to his name, Baldy is right where he belongs... on top!   source. . . June 17th, 1972 Oswego Eagle program

A very young "Baldy Baker"... Baldy just about owned Canton Speedway in the early 50's. At the time I was going there he only raced there on occasion. When he did he was a threat to win. One night his car was broken and I saw him take what was at the time a back marker car start tail in the feature and just clean everyone's clock in that car. I won't mention the car he drove that night but it was strong and Baldy proved it. (from SuperDave)

early 60's


1965 Classic

mid to late 60's

he could drive anything!

1967, in his upright #22, lines up behind Joe Hlywka



Baker had this ride from '71 thru '73 at Oswego, and then again for the last part of the 1975 season.

1973, one of the last, FAST converted Indy roadsters.

Just a little damage..

..and Baldy wants to keep it that way.
fantastic Ray Grela photos

Baker in the Hagan/Howard #6... 1974
(former Gibson/Mackereth roadster)

and he snags the trophy on July 20th,'74.
Race story here


1974, Baldy alongside Fred Graves in the hemi-Cuda
Ray Grela photo



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