---event 1---------------------------- Sunday May 4, 100 laps (two segments) 2nd segment checkered after 15 laps after Troy Ruttman Jr's fatal crash. (65 total laps) finish: 1. Jim Shampine 8ball $1,000 2. Leroy Felty (car?) 750 3. Red Barnhart 66 500 4. Andy Brown 00 5. Billy Hughes(sprintcar)300 6. Lou Palker 7. Nolan Swift 8. Steve Lehnert 9. Butch Hoffman 10.Ed? Spencer 11.Ken Bartholmew 12.Troy Ruttman Jr 13.Norm Mackereth 14.Jack Greedy 15.Wayne Landon 16.Neal Tooley 17.John Conely 18.Deiter Mundwiler 19.Lou Johnson 20.Mark Letcher 21.Larry Rice 22.Bentley Warren 23.Hal Browning 24.Tom York 25.Jim Gresley (Roberts Steel roadster) Shampine and Barnhart led after 50 laps Jack Greedy pitted after 40 laps. Gresley, Letcher and Bentley crashes all in first 50 lap segment. Don Bartlett says... there were two 50 lap races that day, Shampine won one and Andrews the other. Don was there and did a video, indeed,it has been stated elsewhere that Andrews won on opening day. In fact, the only race Kenny won at Pocono in 1969 was on June 1st. That was the "opening day" event rescheduled from late in 1968. The video is linked on the main page and May 18th begins at around 6:39. notes: Bentley may have been the first ever driver to traverse the new 2 and a half mile tri-oval at speed (it was still dirt). He borrowed a brand new Chrysler New Yorker one evening and took laps at well over 100 mph! (without permission)