--- event 7 -------------------------- Supermodifieds Independence 150 twin features (or segments?) 75 laps first main finish: 1. Bentley Warren 2 2. Steve Lehnert 3. Norm Mackereth 40 4. Tony Lavati 5. Jim Fowler 6. Bill Hughes 7. Ben Showers 8. Swarthout 9. Nick Rowe 10.Jack Conely ----------------------------------- Jul 4th second main 75 laps second main finish: 1. Bentley Warren 2 2. Jack Conely 26 3. Kenny Andrews 55 4. Steve Lehnert 5. Billy Hughes 6. Jim Fowler 7. Ben Showers 8. Joe Hlywka 9. Swarthout 10.Norm Mackereth notes: Newspaper quotes.. "2nd win of the day" "Bentley won both legs of the twin features at Pocono" (then Bentley won the Oswego Grand Prix the next night) Swift sat out the Grand Prix, "car damaged at Pocono" ----------------------------------- Bentley said in the book "Wicked Fast".. We ran five features at Pocono in '69 with the Deuce. we won both ends of a doubleheader on July 4th, ran second once May (18th),ran 5th once (Sep 28th) and flipped out of the park once after I hit a patch of oil and got tangled up with Tom York. (May 4th) ----------------------------------- Conely track record in time trials $2,000 for Bentley Accidents at Pocono again took its toll on Oswego regulars. Red Barnhart who was just getting things ironed out on his car nearly demolished it Friday night at that track. Reports say that his car was damaged to the point where it may take 3 or 4 weeks to fix it. Tom York in the Warren Nulls 26 ran into the same luck as Red but his car was not damaged as badly as Barnhart's.