--- event 8 -------------------------- CARS/ARDC twin 25's for both divisions? - super first segment?: (or feature?) 1. Bentley Warren 2. Wayne Landon/John Hubbard 3. Red Barnhart 4. Billy Hughes 5. Tom Price 6. ? super second segment?: (or feature?) 1. Bentley Warren 2. Wayne Landon 3. Billy Hughes 4. Kempton Dates 5. Tom Price 6. ? super overall finish?: 1. Bentley Warren 2. Wayne Landon/John Hubbard 3. Billy Hughes 4. Tom Price 5. Hal Wilson 6. ? Not sure how many laps for super main, Twins or segments? newspaper clipping says he won "the twin 25's feature in gaining his second straight victory".. Also another clipping said Shampine was the early leader of a supermodified event. There is an ad promoting "twin 25 features in both divisions" Russ Klar was the overall winner from two 25 lap ARDC mains ARDC feature 1: 1. Fred Peters 2. Russ Klar 3. Bobby Albert 4. Roger Bailey 5. Billy Hughes ARDC feature 2: (rain shortened) 1. Jimmy Kirk 2. Maurice Viette 3. Johnny Mann 4. Russ Klar 5. Larry Rice